GLP (German Light Products)
GLP is a manufacturer of innovative and high quality lighting fixtures for the professional lighting market.

Under the GLP brand, the company has been developing highly effective and environmentally friendly lighting technology since its founding.
With the multiple award-winning impression series, GLP has created a further standard in the lighting industry, which is used by leading lighting designers worldwide and appreciated for its flexible application possibilities.
GLP products stand for a high degree of reliability and robustness for tough touring use. Well thought-out in every detail, they offer excellent lighting properties and clever features.
Customers from small rental companies to large full-service providers can rely on the premium support of the GLP team at all times.
The Brief
GLP products are popular in events, especially concerts, and for fixed installations in places of recreation and places of worship. To establish the brand as the undisputed leader in an industry where competition is fierce, GLP needed an agency that could meet its demands: Develop and distribute three client cases on average, and manage media relations for the EMEA and APAC zone.
The Results
3WM has drawn on its network of pro-AV media contacts and offers an average of 5 monthly case studies to journalists, who regularly relay brand news. GLP has seen an improvement in its presence in print media and on the internet, helping the brand’s SEO in the lighting industry.

Recent GLP Projects with 3WM